共為你找到:59筆telephone number search 相關企業資訊
★JP SHOW★ 成立至今柒年,經營網拍起家,總店位於潮流聖地的東區,位於板南線忠孝敦化站明曜百貨3號出口,東區鼎泰豐旁巷子裡,提供顧客舒適又方便的購物空間..
Fuel blocks, fuel rails,fuel return line, adapters. $830 Blow off valve with hard pipe, silicone hose $150 Crank pulley kit $350 Ignition coil pack single plug $80 twin plug $160 Fuel lines with fittings, fuel filter to rail,cross over, return line $200 Fuel pressure regulator kit Aeromotive # 13101 $200 ECU with quick release racing harness $2450 Siemens #3105, 83lb fuel injectors six for $435 From www.fiveomotorsport.com Throttle position sensor, air temp sensor, oil temp sensor, map sensor, crank position sensor $220 Spark plug wires Twin plug $500 single plug $250 air filter $40 mount for the throttle position sensor$20 For the motor already machine for twin plug all you have to do is add a coil pack and spark plug wires to the setup. The coil pack I use is from 1995 Chrysler V-6 NIEHOFF parts number AL173
SUM JG-car〞正派經營品質は保証(獨家∼網路拍賣唯一有營登號の車商) ★JG-car〞銀行團隊可協助の辦理貸款。 ★八大保證:保證無重大事故‧保證無車體銜接‧保證無泡水‧保證無AB車‧保證無計程車‧保證來源清楚‧保證無短期租賃車‧保證誠實告知。 ★本人擁有中華民國鑑價師證書,中華民國汽車買賣人員雙證照,經專業認可,放心選購。 ★提供到府免費估車‧預約保養。 ★交車就送大美容‧腳踏墊‧避光墊。
本公司與德國 公司合作多年 協助採購電子零組件 主要生產工業電腦 目前再找電子工程師 We are looking for electronics engineer , experience and know how in MENTOR GRAPHICS , to set up basic data of electronic components according ads-tec guideline optional: capability to search for alternative components . Please contact us if you have experience in MENTOR. HR : Sheree Chen 0920-630-105
Bó Lè Associates is a leading international executive search firm with a well developed network of 22 local offices in the world. Bó Lè Associates was established in 1996, drawing the inspiration from a famous proverb in the Tang Dynasty about Bó Lè(伯乐), a legend who possessed a unique ability to identify the best horse from among a thousand great horses. We continue the legacy of Bó Lè by building a firm that was staunchly committed to the best of the best philosophy. We understand that gaining the recognition and respect of our clients is our single biggest accomplishment as a professional firm. We are driven by an extraordinary focus on achieving the highest global standards, while developing the best local resources, empowered by a seamless, integrated network to provide timely and cost-effective solutions for our clients’ critical hires. Our past success makes us humble yet strong and confident in facing the future. We seek to surpass what we have achieved in the past years - aiming for even higher global standards, developing even better local resources and further intensifying our commitment to providing the best solutions to clients.
便利汽車…永遠秉持著最優質的服務來服大台中地區的開車朋友 ~~~包辦您愛車的日常所需~~~ 務誠摯邀請,敢拚、敢衝、耐勞、耐操的朋友們 來到我們公司…
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
工廠內設置有 傳統龍門銑床 NC鉅床、傳統鉅床 傳統車床 鑽孔加工、側孔加工 研磨 NC火焰切割 沖床五金等...
原點科技(Blue Tang Studio) is a newly founded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for talented and self-motivated people to join our team. 原點科技為一新創公司,公司的主力方向是在Location Based Service,目前正在開發搜尋平台中。 軟體產品(Product)與軟體專案(Project)的不同在於,假設一個Project需要五個人,再開一個專案需要再五個人;而產品,一個客戶跟一千個客戶,開發成本是相同的,獲利高但是全球競爭,只有前兩名能夠生存。 敝公司的目標正在於,建立一個雲端資料庫,提供SDK及Cloud Solution給各國的軟體公司,希望有志於軟體產品開發的人材加入。
Founded in 1975, Ipsos is a company of inquiring minds and passionate people giving a voice and shape to the thoughts of millions of individuals around the world. Ipsos is also the only independent, publicly-listed company in its field that is managed by research professionals. We explore, probe and challenge conventional wisdom. We assess market potential and interpret market trends. We test products and advertising, and help our clients build long-term relationships with customers. - Rank among global survey-based research company: No. 3 - Listed on the Paris Bourse since 1999 - Total Revenues in 2008: 979 million euros - Number of countries with Ipsos offices: 60+ - Total number of countries we do research in: 100+ - Number of full-time Ipsos employees: 8,000+ 易普索成立於1975年,是一個集合眾人智慧並且由一群對行銷研究及市場調查領域懷有熱情的人所組成的公司,提供全世界千萬人的聲音與想法。易普索也是全球研究調查專業領域中,唯一由行銷及市場調查專業人士來管理,而且獨立、公開發行上市的公司。 我們探討、調查及挑戰傳統,我們評估市場潛能及解釋市場趨勢,我們測試產品及廣告,並幫助我們的客戶與他們的顧客建立長遠的關係。 - 全球第三大專案市場研究公司 - 1999年7月在巴黎股票上市 - 2008營收: 979百萬歐元,約460億台幣 - 在全球各地超過60個分公司 - 全球共有超過8,000名全職員工 - 每年執行超過2千萬個訪問
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